Tuesday, 26 November 2019

BP Optimizer Zenith Labs

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BP Optimizer Zenith Labs: The NIBP methodology consists of utilizing a tail cuff placed on the tail to occlude the blood flow. Upon deflation, one of several types of NIBP sensors, placed distal to the occlusion cuff, can be utilized to monitor the rat BP. BP Optimizer Zenith Labs There are three (3) types of NIBP sensor technologies: photoplethysmography, piezoplethysmography and Volume Pressure Recording. Each method will utilize an occlusion tail-cuff as part of the procedure.

The first and oldest sensor type is Photoplethysmography (PPG), a light-based technology. The purpose is to record the first appearance of the pulse while deflating the occlusion cuff or the disappearance of pulses upon inflation of the occlusion cuff. BP Optimizer Zenith Labs Photoplethysmography utilizes an incandescent or LED light source to record the pulse signal wave. As such, this light-based plethysmographic method uses the light source to illuminate a small spot on the tail and attempts to record the pulse.

BP Optimizer Zenith Labs Photoplethysmography (PPG) is relatively inaccurate since the readings are based solely on the amplitude of a single pulse and can only BP Optimizer Zenith Labs imprecisely measure the systolic blood pressure and the heart beat. There are many limitations to a light-based technology, such as: (1) over-saturation of the BP signal by ambient light; (2) extreme sensitivity to the rodent's movement (motion artifact); and (3) the difficulty in obtaining adequate mice blood pressure signals in dark skinned rodents (Pigmentation Differentiation). Light-based sensors also cause tail burns from close contact and prolonged exposure.

BP Optimizer Zenith Labs Diastolic blood pressure cannot be measured by photoplethysmography since the technology records only the first appearance of the pulse. If the diastolic BP is displayed on the photoplethysmographic instrumentation, it is only an estimation that is calculated by a software algorithm rather than a true measurement.

BP Optimizer Zenith Labs Additional variability and inaccuracy occurs in PPG devices that rely on obtaining readings during occlusion cuff inflation.

Occlusion cuff length is also another source of variability and inaccuracy. Occlusion cuff length is inversely related to the accuracy of the blood pressure. BP Optimizer Zenith Labs Long cuffs, predominantly in most photoplethysmographic devices, record lower than the actual blood pressure measurements.

BP Optimizer Zenith Labs These limitations severely compromise the consistency, dependability and accuracy of the NIBP measurements obtained by devices that utilize light-based/LED photoplethysmographic technology.
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The photoplethysmography method correlates poorly BP Optimizer Zenith Labs with direct blood pressure measurements and is the least recommended sensor technology for NIBPe in rodents, especially mice.



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