Thursday 9 May 2019

Treat The Root Cause Of Diabetes – DWD Protocol – Diabetes

DWD Protocol Most, if not all, aspects of wellness involve some type of skill. Therefore, acquiring a new wellness related behavior or practice will generally involve acquiring a new skill. The skills can be simple, or more complex. In either case, the needed skills must be learned in order to successfully achieve the desired change.

Skill related instruction can be included as part of any educational offering. It is important to remember that in order to fully develop any skill, opportunities to practice the new skills should be included within the educational sessions. DWD Protocol Teaching skills requires your wellness program to thoughtfully offer various methods that will help employees to develop the necessary skills. These methods can include:

• Step-by-step visual instruction

• The use of video instructions

• Supervised, experiential learning opportunities

• Coaching and mentoring opportunities

If your wellness program is not helping employees acquire new skills in each of the areas your wellness program is targeting, then it is not likely to be effective at helping employees to change.

Employees need to have the opportunity to practice their new knowledge and skills in a safe, supportive environment. Trying out something new involves risk of failure. Change has been found to be more successful with support. Worksites can provide just such a safe, supportive environment. Lacking opportunity will probably result in the motivated, knowledgeable employee failing to practice their new found knowledge, skills and abilities.

Most worksite wellness programs today are not really wellness programs at all - they are employee health management programs. And you would like to know the difference, right?

Health and wellness can be depicted as being on a continuum with health located at one end and wellness being at the other end. The midpoint of a health - wellness continuum can be considered to be the neutral point.

In a work place setting, on the health side of the continuum, the focus is on addressing the employee's health status. This generally means focusing on the employee's chronic illnesses and health related risk factors.

DWD Protocol Diabetes At the far end of the health section, the focus would be on such things as chronic disease or condition management, treatment adherence and medication adherence. At this end of the continuum, it would also be appropriate to educate employees about specific health plan benefits related to their disease and best practice treatment guidelines and protocols. To better help manage their health issue, employees located here on the continuum might also benefit from chronic disease self-management type programs.

Remaining on the health side of the continuum, but moving closer to the continuum's neutral point, the focus of the worksite wellness program becomes employee risk management and disease prevention. Risk identification typically involves the use of a health risk assessment (HRA) tool with or without the use of worksite based biometric screenings. The use of these tools allows the employer to see at an aggregate level, the risk profile of their employee population.>>>

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